Slackware Linux Essentials
The Official Guide to Slackware Linux


This page lists various "bugs" that we find after the book has gone to press. The list is grouped by edition. If you find a book bug, let us know.

First Edition - July, 2000
  1. Image formatting problem - Throughout the book you may notice some images that go all the way into the spine or all the way to the edge of the page. This was a problem we discovered with SGML Tools and we were not able to fix it in time for production. After looking through the entire book, we discovered that no image was cropped of important information. Everything you need to see is there.

  2. Missing word in the preface - On page 12, second paragraph, first sentence, it reads, "While this book may not an edge-of-your-seat..." This should read, "While this book may not be an edge-of-your-seat..."
    FIXED Aug 25, 2000 - Chris

  3. Inconsistent Information - On page 35, there are four install sources discussed, but the screenshot clearly shows that there are five options. The fifth option needs to be discussed, and the paragraphs for the options should be reordered to match the screenshot.
    FIXED Oct 4, 2000 - Chris

  4. Missing word - On page 51, fourth paragraph, first sentence, it reads: "This program not only told us where the actual program, ..." This should read: "This program not only told us where the actual program is, ...".
    FIXED Oct 4, 2000 - Chris

  5. Incomplete Instructions - On page 60, the command "make modules_install" should be mentioned immediately after "make modules". There is no other documentation in the book telling people how to install modules.
    FIXED Oct 4, 2000 - Chris

  6. Incorrect punctuation - On page 62, section 5.1.1, paragraph two, sentence three. The "/etc/rc.d; rc.netdevice" should be "/etc/rc.d/rc.netdevice".
    FIXED Aug 25, 2000 - Chris

  7. Incorrect command - On page 175, in the ftp commands table, the command "put" is listed for both uploading and downloading files. This is incorrect; the command for downloading a file is "get".
    FIXED Oct 25, 2000 - Chris

  8. Incorrect program reference - On pages 176 and 177 the NcFTP program is discussed. The version of NcFTP discussed is 2.4.3, but the command shown is "ncftp". Under Slackware 7.1, this will start NcFTP 3.0.1. The command reference for NcFTP 2.4.3 should be "ncftp2".
    FIXED Aug 27, 2000 - Chris

  9. Misspelling - Page 192, second paragraph, last sentence reads "Instead of the -x command line option...". This should read "Instead of the -z command line option...".
    FIXED Jan 15, 2001 - Chris

  10. Misspelling - Page 197, third paragraph, third sentence reads "... save, quit, and mode". This should read ", quit, and more."
    FIXED Oct 8, 2000 - Chris

  11. Missing Parenthesis - On page 227, in the definition of MOTD, there is a parenthesis that should be closed after "... in /etc/motd".
    FIXED Aug 25, 2000 - Chris