If you want to use wmsystemtray with the Plasma 2 desktop environment because that DE removed support for xembed applications, you will want to start it as fofollows: wmsystemtray --non-wmaker --bgcolor white And it is best to also configure a KWin window rule to have it without decorations on all desktops: # ----- 8< ---------------------------------------- [Application settings for wmsystemtray] Description=Application settings for wmsystemtray desktop=-1 desktoprule=2 noborder=true noborderrule=2 skippager=true skippagerrule=2 skipswitcher=true skipswitcherrule=2 skiptaskbar=true skiptaskbarrule=2 type=2 typerule=2 wmclass=wmsystemtray0 wmsystemtray wmclasscomplete=true wmclassmatch=1 # ----- 8< ----------------------------------------